Chapter 5

I let the hot water gush over my fingertips before it splashes into the bath. Bubbles touch my forearm, threatening to fall over the edge of the porcelain tub. Olivia needs a bath—a nice, relaxing bath. If dealing with Don wasn’t enough, when we got home she was lucky enough to see Jackson receiving a blow job against the kitchen bench. I laughed when I realized he didn’t make it to a couch or a bed—that has to be some kind of record for him. While I found it amusing, Olivia was mortified. With a glare in my direction, she stormed up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door.
“You said you lived alone, asshole!” the girl shouted, wiping her mouth and drawing herself to full height. She was tall, lean (easily a nine) and embarrassed as all hell. Jackson opened his mouth to explain, but she left before he got the chance to. I looked away as Jackson fixed himself up and placed all pieces of flesh back behind fabric. When I glanced back at him he nodded, reading my expression. It wasn’t an angry expression. It was neutral, pleading even. Whether he liked it or not, what he did was disrespectful to Olivia, and although he was my best friend, my loyalties lay with my wife. I had to make it right with her. I’m the man of the house, the husband—fuck it—I’m the king, and I had to make my queen happy.
“I get it.” He exhaled, reading my mind. “I’ll crash at Darryl’s.”
Which brings me to now.
Jackson has taken his business elsewhere, but Olivia is still wound up and pacing around the bedroom, trying to decide if she should call Selena or not. Naturally, I advised her against it. She didn’t like it, not one bit.
I shut the bath off and relax into the armchair. I dragged an armchair into the bathroom from the reading corner in the bedroom. It really hurts my ass to sit on the tiles and Olivia’s baths can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to three hours. I like to watch her while she bathes. Don’t ask me why, I just do.
At the sound of the bath shutting off, Olivia strolls into the bathroom. Her hair is disheveled, her bottom lip puffy and red from biting it too much.
“I should tell her.”
I shake my head and Olivia’s shoulders square. She’s ready to contest anything I say to defend Jackson, but honestly, I couldn’t give a shit about Jackson or Selena right now. Their relationship is exactly that, theirs. I want no part of it.
I relax in the armchair and tap my knee. “Forget them. Let me take a look at your hand.”
“Forget them? Selena is my—”
I narrow my eyes and she purses her lips together. With the smallest nod, she steps forward and drops onto my lap. I tear off the makeshift bandage and toss it away as I take her soft, tiny hand in mine. Already I notice how swollen it is. It’s not too bad, but a hell of a lot bigger than her other hand. She sighs as I run my fingers over the back of her hand.
“Does it hurt?” I ask, resting my cheek against her shoulder. I bend her wrist and this time, she doesn’t wince or pull away.
“Not as much as it did before,” she mutters.
“I think it’s a sprain, but we’ll have Darryl check it out in the morning just to be safe.” I poke her in the side and she jerks away from me. Smiling, I say, “Clothes off. Your bath is waiting.”
With an eager smirk, Olivia slides from my lap and pulls at the knot behind her neck that holds up her shirt. The ties fall along with the shirt, exposing her perfect breasts.
“Stare much?” She giggles, turning away from me. I drag my gaze down her spine and over her hips as she curls her fingers underneath the hem of her shorts. She pushes them down her legs, taking her underwear with it. Her whole body is exposed to me and I admire her new softness. Her stomach is softer, as are her thighs and her ass. Her curvier body only enhances my attraction. She’s put on weight because I make her full, wholesome meals and have banned those shitty ‘snack bars’ from the kitchen. I’ve always been a fan of soft, feminine figures and now I have one all to myself. She smiles sweetly at me as she turns and heads for the bath. As she passes my chair, I snag her waist and pull her into me. With a squeal, she falls into my lap. I immediately notice how her soft skin feels like silk against mine.
“Your bath is waiting,” she mocks me with her best Seth impersonation.
I smile against her skin as I nip her shoulder, moving my lips along the top of her back and into the base of her neck.
“I suddenly feel like getting a little dirty first.”
She shivers on my lap, sending an intense surge of arousal through my body. Of their own accord, my fingers dance along her thigh, moving inwards, until the tips of my fingers touch the top of her bare core. She inhales sharply and I catch her sight in the reflection of the shower door. Her big, green eyes widen and she catches my hand, stilling it against her flesh.
“I don’t think here’s a good place to do that.” Her voice is breathless—needy—and I wonder if she can hear it.
“You’re not going to deprive me of watching now, are you?”
She catches her lip between her teeth, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. I lick her shoulder, keeping my eyes on hers and watch as they narrow into lusty slits. That’s all the coaxing it takes for her hand to slip away, allowing me to move and touch her freely again. I shift my position, pulling her legs apart with my knees. Her whole body tenses while her breathing deepens. She looks away from the reflection, but I can’t. I’m stuck, completely mesmerized by the scene—by her. My cock is hard, ready to burst through my zipper and take what it wants—what I want. But this isn’t about me… What I’m about to do to her isn’t about me and what I want. It’s about her—about relaxing her and winding her down after a stressful night. Even with her legs apart, her lips stay close together. Everything is tight and in place—a mere slit in an otherwise smooth, bare portion of flesh. I run my fingers over her clit, moving my rough pads around her sweet bundle of nerves. A few minutes in, her lips part as she expels heady breaths and her hips rock to the same tempo as my fingers. Her eyes are closed, her head against my shoulder and angled away from the reflection.
“You’re staring at me, aren’t you?” she mutters, her voice trembling.
“I can’t take my eyes off of you even if I tried.” I kiss her neck, the spot right by her ear. “You are fucking perfection, O.”
“Hell yeah,” I chuckle under my breath. “I want to be in you so bad.” I catch her ear between my teeth, making her gasp. “I want to fuck your perfect little body and I want to watch it all.” She smirks, catching her lower lip. “I want to see your tits bounce and your legs quiver while I’m buried deep inside you.”
Olivia’s eyes snap open, immediately zeroing in on mine in the reflection. I see it then—all traces of her previous discomfort gone. All I see now is darkness—the darkness that comes over her when she wants nothing more than to please me.
“Do it.” She breathes, shivering. “I want to see it, too.”
I spring off the couch, bringing Olivia up with me. I force her forward until she’s pinned against the shower door. Her breath fogs the glass as quick, heated pants fall from her lips. She arches her back under the weight of my body as I press hard against her.
“Hurry up,” she moans.
“Always impatient,” I tease, planting a kiss on her shoulder.
“You know I am when it comes to you, Seth.”
I lower my hands to the button of my jeans and pop it. I quickly push my jeans down my legs, without taking my body from her, and grip her hips. I manage to step out of my jeans and pull her back to the couch without stumbling. In one fluid movement, I have her sitting on my lap again and I’m back to watching her in the reflection of the glass. My eyes catch hers, and this time, she doesn’t look away. Her eyes are gleaming, pleading for me to touch her, so I run my fingers over her taut belly and slowly snake them between her legs. I groan as her wetness coats my fingers. “You’re so fucking wet.”
She nods, letting out a desperate moan. I grip her perfect breast with my free hand, tweaking her nipple as I bite at her neck. Olivia arches into me, finally letting her stare fall from the reflection as her head falls back against my shoulder. Her movements are ones of complete surrender and I happily accept it. I drink it all in as if this is our last moment and tomorrow doesn’t exist.
Pleasure exudes from my core and wraps around my organs. It curls up my spine, wrapping tightly around each vertebrae and seizes my chest. I can feel his hard length against my backside as Seth’s thick, rough fingers slide with skill over every inch of exposed flesh. I don’t look but it’s not because I’m shy. I don’t look because I’m scared to peek at his devastatingly handsome face in fear of this whole thing disappearing. I’m afraid he will disappear. Poof. All gone in a puff of smoke and I’m back where I started… in a small apartment with no purpose, no real ambitions and no one who loves me as much as Seth does.
Another pulse of white hot pleasure jolts through my body and my breath hitches in my throat. His mouth explores my neck. Inch by inch his lips move as if they’re singling out every pore and hair follicle. He really does know how to make a girl feel special, as if every cell in her body should be appreciated for merely existing. His fingers interchange between pressures and speeds. Soft and hard, hard and slow. Soft and slow, hard and quick. My head spins in my skull as my body pushes itself to the brink of complete chaos. My body goes into a state of anarchy whenever he touches me… it becomes selfish, untamable and insatiable. He knows it, too. He knows exactly how to touch me—how to make me bend to his every whim. I’m not going to lie, it doesn’t take much. All he has to do is look at me with those intense, dark chocolate eyes or smile his killer smile and I turn to putty in his hands.
“Seth…” His name falls from my lips of its own accord. When his hands are on me, I have no control over my body. It does and says whatever it believes Seth wants to hear in order for him to bring me quivering, panting, and shaking into ecstasy.
Against my back, I feel Seth’s body vibrate with a growl and his fingers fall from me and he lifts me up, slipping his cock forward until it’s pressed against my opening. I angle my hips enough for the head to press into my entrance and I expel a heavy breath. The friction is already enough to send me over the edge.
“God, baby,” he moans, flexing his hips ever so slightly. He’s barely in me and already I feel full. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
I roll my hips, sinking myself lower onto him. I lift my head enough to watch in the reflection as his beautiful, clean cock pushes into me, stretching me to my limits. My stare meets his in the reflection and I survey his gorgeous face. His lips are parted and his eyes thinned into lust-filled slits. The corners of his lips turn upwards in a devilish grin and his fingers dig into my hips before he slams me down hard onto him, filling me to breaking point.
“Seth!” I scream as shooting pleasure almost renders my body useless.
“You like it hard, don’t you?” he whispers in my ear as he pulls me up again. I don’t get the chance to respond before he roughly pulls me back down again.
“Yes, oh, fuck,” I cry, one hand digging into the arm rest, the other clawing at his leg.
I look at my own reflection and I barely recognize myself. There’s a look of determination on my face as well as a look of complete and utter arousal. One would think looking at yourself while having sex would make you feel, well, slutty. But it doesn’t—or at least it doesn’t make me feel slutty. I feel… in power. I feel sexy, I feel wanted and a million other things.
Seth thrusts harder and harder, over and over, and I watch my breasts jiggle and my body jolt with every movement. Suddenly, I feel like the solid floor has been ripped out from underneath me and we’re balancing on water.
“Don’t,” I gasp, increasing my grip. “Don’t stop.”
My walls tighten and my thighs inch closer together as my orgasm builds. He thrusts hard, pounding me relentlessly before snaking his hand between my legs and rubbing my clit. As soon as the rough pad of his thumb brushes over me, I’m done. He sends me shooting over the controlled arousal line and straight into the abyss of total chaos. I come. I come so fucking hard I can’t hold my tongue and his name falls repeatedly from my lips.
“Holy shit, O,” he groans, as I grind my hips into him. “You’re unbelievable.”
I barely recover from my orgasm as he grabs me and forces me to my feet. His cock falls from me and I feel empty. I’m nowhere near finished with Seth, not yet. I move my feet as best I can as he forces me over to the bathroom sink. Looking at my flushed face in the mirror is different to the reflection in the glass. The glass didn’t show the depth of my arousal… not like the mirror does. I see my eyes glisten and my cheeks turn pink. Before I can look at Seth, he grabs the back of my neck and forces me to bend over the sink. Excitement bubbles in my chest and arousal pulses between my thighs at the thought of him being so forceful. I’m not usually into forceful sex, but I take one look at Seth’s arms and want to be held down by them. The things muscles can do to a girl…
He forces my legs apart and rubs himself all over me. When he lowers his hands to my hips, I grip the edge of the counter, ignoring the pain in my wrist, and look at us in the mirror. Instantly Seth’s dark eyes are on mine and with no warning, he propels himself deep inside of me. My mouth parts as a choked sigh escapes me. He grips my hips hard, so incredibly hard I can’t move my body towards him or away from him. He’s anchored me to this one position, to go as fast or as slow as he pleases.
“You feel so good,” I pant, holding onto the porcelain for dear life.
“If you keep talking to me, baby, I’m going to blow.”
I lick my bottom lip before catching it between my teeth. “Do it.”
He shakes his head, clenching his jaw. “Not until you come again.”
As the words roll off his tongue, a familiar sensation threatens to seize the lower half of my body. “You want me to?”
“Yeah, baby. I want to feel you squeeze me again.” He bends a little at the knees, angling the head right against the roof of me. A strong urge to pee builds up, getting stronger and stronger until I’m begging him to go harder and faster. He does, too. He flicks his hips quickly, pulling mine along with him. His eyes are on my face, I can feel it. Mine are squeezed shut as I beg myself to let go. I need it. I need to come again more than I need air. My lungs don’t believe me. They’re inhaling and expelling air too quickly to be fooled by my train of thought, but for a split second, my breath catches and light blinds my eyes as my brain rolls in my skull. I hear Seth panting and groaning my name, but it sounds far away in the distance. I feel his body stiffen as his cock pulses wildly inside of me and as I slowly come back to now, I feel a warm set of lips trail down my spine. His warm, suddenly gentle, hands roam my body, caressing all of the places they recently gripped. I open my eyes and instantly my vision is blurred with tears. What the hell?
I straighten up and swipe my arm over my face. It does nothing. I turn around to face Seth and as he runs his hands over my stomach, a betraying tear rolls off my nose and onto his arm. He pauses and looks at it before glancing at my face. I peer up at him and the sight of his worried expression makes my heart stutter.
“You’re crying?” He grabs my face, pulling it close to his. His nose grazes mine and the sensual touch sends more tears streaking down my face. “Did I hurt you?”
I shake my head and swallow a laugh. “No, no you didn’t hurt me.”
“Then why are you crying? Did I do something?” His lips part, almost panicked. “Did I say something?”
“No, you’re perfect.” I swipe my nose, sniffling. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
Even I realize how stupid it sounds. His brows furrow. “You don’t know?”
“I punched someone in the face and hurt my hand. Then, I came home and witnessed my best friend’s boyf—whatever he is—receive a blow job in my kitchen and then I had epic sex with my husband… I guess my emotions are a little thrown.”
Seth fights a cocky smile and fails. “Epic sex, huh?”
I slump against the wall, fighting my own smile. “That’s all you took from what I said?”
He grabs my shoulder and pulls me into a hug. “That’s not all I took from it… to be honest, you had me at ‘blow job.’”
“Of course I did.” I giggle against his moist skin.
I squeak as he scoops me up in his arms unexpectedly.
“Bath time, Mrs. Marc.”
I’ll never get tired of hearing that. I don’t know how he does it, lifting me up without straining, I mean. In his arms I feel light, like a pillow full of feathers. When I stepped into the bathroom earlier, bubbles practically poured from the tub. Now, they’re spread sparsely over the top of the warm water, building up on the sides. He lowers me into the water.
“The water was hot earlier, I swear.” Seth laughs, stepping in and lowering himself into the water just by the tap.
I watch him as the water level rises, lapping at the tan skin above his nipples. I relax against the bath, yawning as Seth pulls the plug and turns on the hot tap. The warm water drains down the pipe as new, hot water fills the bath. When my skin turns pink and my chest feels heavy, he shuts off the hot tap. The water splashes against my collar bone as he shifts in the bath, pulling my legs between his. His large hands rub my left ankle and then my calf. I shut my eyes, enjoying the way his fingers dig into my muscles.
“Seth, do you want children?” My eyes shoot open at the sound of my own voice asking the question. I don’t know what came over me… it was a passing thought that fell from my brain and onto my tongue. I never intended to say it.
His gaze flicks to mine before dropping back to my legs. “Yes… eventually.”
My chest elates, swelling like a balloon and I manage to keep it from my expression. Since when did the thought of children make me excited and clucky?
“I never used to want kids,” he mutters. “But that was before you. Now… well, now I want three.”
I can’t help it. This time I smile. The way Seth’s cheeks quickly blush with pink doesn’t pass me by, either. Of course he’s handsome, strong, protective and blushes when it comes to children. Seth Marc is officially an atomic bomb to my ovaries.
“A boy and two girls,” I say, nodding. That’s the combination I want. A boy first so he can protect his baby sisters. Seth shakes his head.
“Three boys.”
I sit forward a little. “No girls?”
“No way in hell. If you think Karma likes the way you taste, wait until she finds out I have daughters. She’ll make sure they bring home Seth after Seth, douchebag after douchebag.”
I hate when he puts himself down, talking like he’s not a good person. Fine, Seth wasn’t exactly a contender for Mr. Sweetheart when we met, everyone knows that, but he wasn’t a bad person. Still isn’t. Worst case scenario; my daughters bring home a boy like Blade. Sure, all Seth wanted was sex, but at least he was up front about it. Not once did he give me a false sense of security. I knew exactly what I was getting into. Seth has always been honest—maybe even a little obnoxious—but always honest. Frowning, I say, “They’d be lucky to find someone like you.”
Seth pulls my foot from the water and presses it against his chest as his hands massage the spot under my knees.
“Three boys,” he repeats, ignoring me. “No girls.”
I run my tongue quickly over my bottom lip to stop from contesting him. It’s not like we have control over the sexes, anyway.
“That being said,” he continues, “I don’t want to have kids until I’m done with my career. It wouldn’t be fair to bring them into our life when we live like this.”
I glance around the large bathroom. The bathroom in itself is bigger than the bedroom I grew up in. “Like what?”
“A hotel in Las Vegas isn’t exactly a place for children.” He purses his lips together before speaking again. “Training, fighting, parties, punching people in clubs… it’s not the kind of life I want to be living when we bring a baby into this world.”
“What life do you want for your child? You’d be willing to give up everything you’ve worked so hard for?” I ask.
It seems Seth has really thought this whole thing through and the thought of him spending hours mulling it over warms my heart.
“How can I raise my child to follow his dreams when I’m busy chasing my own? I want their dream to become my dream, too. I want to support them—to be the father yours was and mine never cared to be.” His eyes flick to mine and lock me in place. “For my child I would give up everything I own.”
“You know,” I purr, pulling my legs away from him. I press my hands to the bottom of the bath and push myself closer to him. I keep going until I’m tucked nicely between his legs and my face is an inch from his. “I don’t give you enough props for being as sickeningly sweet as you are.”
“You sound shocked.” When he speaks, his voice is low and rough. I swear it vibrates through the water, creating ripples against my sensitive parts.
“I am. Sometimes I forget just how perfect you can be.”
I don’t often use the word perfect around Seth, it tends to go to his head. Judging by the way his eyes flare and his lips curl into a confident smile, it’s done exactly that.
“I’m not all bad,” he replies, planting a soft kiss against my bottom lip. “You taught me that.”
He kisses me again, softly. “I will give you children, Olivia, but not yet.”
His full lips mold to mine once more and hold me in place. My eyes flutter shut on instinct and my mind becomes dazed. After Dad died, Mom told me that if you’re lucky, you’ll meet someone who fits perfectly into your world. You become bonded to each other, joined at the hips, and you can’t picture your life without them. Seth is that person to me. He is my soul mate, my other half. He is the love of my life, the one person who stormed into my world demanding attention and saved me from myself. I can feel it now… I am different.
I’m no longer Olivia James, the insecure girl who couldn’t stand up for herself. I’m Olivia Marc, the strong wife of a fighter who would do anything to protect her own.
And I’ll do my best to remember that the next time I question myself.

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