Page 17

It took me a few seconds to realize that Mr. CK’s eyes were staring into mine. The boldness of his gaze brought heat to my cheeks and my eyes darted away from his seductive smile and the invitation I saw in his stare. I had little – okay zero experience with the opposite sex – but I’d have to be comatose not to understand the signals coming from him. What I couldn’t understand was why he was turning his attention to me with all the attractive girls here trying to catch his eye. Not that I think I’m unattractive; I’m just not what you’d call alluring and I’m certainly not used to hot guys giving me the ‘come hither’ look.

A little breathless, I shifted my attention to the stage where the drummer was revving up the crowd with an awesome solo. I moved forward and nudged between my friends, dancing along with them. Five minutes later I stole a glance at Mr. CK and I smirked when I found him engaged in conversation with two shapely blondes who were almost comical in their attempts to out-flirt each other.

The band finished the song and started another and everyone on the dance floor began dancing again except for me. After downing two bottles of water in two hours, what I really needed was to find the restroom. I tapped Roland on the arm and mouthed “restroom” to him to let him know where I was going. He nodded and I headed for the ladies room where I stood in line for five minutes before I got inside. I was washing my hands when the two blond girls I’d seen with Mr. CK came in.

“I saw him first, Shelley,” one of them said, pulling a tube of dark red lipstick from her handbag.

“You always say that, Trish,” the other girl replied with a scowl. She started retouching her own makeup. “This one is mine.”

Trish checked her perfect hair in the mirror. “If you think I am letting you walk off with this one, you are nuts.”

“Letting me?” Shelley’s voice went up a notch.

I shook my head and left the restroom before the two of them decided to start to brawl over the guy. There was no arguing the fact that Mr. CK was incredibly hot, but no guy is worth fighting over, especially one you just met in a bar.

Apparently, Trish and Shelley disagreed with me. I barely made it ten feet from the restroom when I heard them coming behind me in a heated argument that drew amused looks from the people nearby. I slowed and stepped sideways to let the angry pair pass me. It’s no wonder I don’t go out much.

I heard Shelley shout “You bitch!” a second before she gave Trish a hard shove that sent Trish stumbling backward into me. “Umph!” I grunted as one of the girl’s elbows got me in the stomach before we went down in a tangle of arms and legs. I saw stars when my head hit the hardwood floor. It didn’t help that I had cushioned the bigger girl’s fall.

Someone pulled Trish off me and a girl asked, “Is she alright?” I assumed she was talking about me because I was the only one still lying on the floor, a little dazed and not sure whether I was more embarrassed or pissed.

A hand waved in front of my face and I realized someone was bending over me. “Are you okay?” he asked in a deep voice that carried the trace of an accent I could not place. The ceiling lights behind him made it impossible to see his face but from his voice I guessed he wasn’t more than a few years older than me.

“Um, I think so,” I said, moving to get up. The man reached down and took my hand and I started at the warmth that rippled through me. I stared at our clasped hands as he helped me to my feet and I stood there for a moment before I realized I still held his hand. I let go and looked up at him with a sheepish smile. “Thank –”

He stood so close I could reach out and touch him. His face was no longer hidden in shadows and I found myself gazing into a pair of steel grey eyes that looked at me with such intensity I almost forgot to breathe. Mutely I stared at him while my stomach twisted with a sensation I could not put into words and I felt a touch against the back of my mind like the flutter of butterfly wings. I experienced the strangest sense of recognition though I knew I had never seen him before and deep inside me something stirred like a cat uncurling from a long nap.

The man blinked and took a step back, breaking the spell that held me. Remembering to breathe again, I glanced down to steady myself then looked back to find him watching me with a slightly confused expression that probably matched my own. My eyes moved up his handsome face taking in his square jaw, firm lips, aquiline nose and black hair that fell across his brow in careless waves with a few strands curling around his ears. His skin was lightly tanned and the shadow of a beard played around the curves of his jaw.

I suddenly realized we were staring at each other and I smiled to cover my embarrassment. “Sorry, I must have banged my head harder than I thought.”

My words did not elicit the reaction I expected. His whole body stiffened and his eyes suddenly blazed as if I had slapped him. I took a step back, stunned by the hostility in his stare, especially after his kind assistance. “Okay… well thanks for your help,” I mumbled and fled.

I slipped through the crowd until I spied the door that stood open to the deck and suddenly I was in desperate need of fresh air. What the hell was his problem? I stewed as I leaned against the rail and stared at the dark building across the street. This night just kept going downhill. First my contact doesn’t show and then I get dumped on my butt in front of a room full of people, and on top of that I act like a total idiot. I cringed, remembering how I’d stood there like a fool staring at him. What had gotten into me, going all slack-jawed over a hot guy? God, I’m as bad as Trish and Shelley, I groaned inwardly and closed my eyes, letting the night air cool my burning cheeks.