Page 19

I felt an inexplicable urge to lean forward too, to get closer to those mesmerizing eyes, but I stopped myself before I did. Wow, this guy was good. I wondered if he was aware of the effect he had on the opposite sex. I almost laughed out loud. He definitely knew.

I gave a mental shake to clear my head. “We only came to hear our friend play,” I told him, pointing to Roland, Peter and Dylan. We’re leaving as soon as they finish packing up.”

He seemed puzzled for an instant but then he gave me a small smile of resignation. “That is too bad.” He leaned closer and spoke in a soft voice. “You’re not like the other girls here. It’s quite refreshing.”

Not sure how to take that, I quipped, “If the girls here don’t suit your tastes, maybe you are looking for women in the wrong place.”

His eyes flashed in amusement and he settled back in his chair. “I think you may be right.”

I saw Roland waving me over. “Looks like my friends are ready to leave.” I stood and my companion stood too. “It was nice talking to you.”

The corners of his mouth turned down slightly. “Are you going to run off without leaving me a name to put with your lovely face?”

Smooth. “I don’t give my name to strange men.”

He raised his eyebrows and gave me a beguiling smile. “Not even a first name.”

“Sara,” I replied without thinking. I immediately wanted to kick myself.

“Sara.” He said my name like he was tasting an exotic fruit. “I’m Eli and it has been a pleasure. I hope to repeat it sometime.”

I doubted the likelihood of that ever happening, but I smiled anyway. “Well enjoy your band.” I turned toward the stage, blinking several times to shake off the feeling of lethargy that stolen over me while I sat. I must be more tired than I thought.

“You ready to go,” Roland asked when I reached them. I saw with some amusement that the brunette was hanging off Samson now and the blond drummer was looking around helplessly for someone to come to his rescue.

I glanced over at Eli as we headed for the exit and saw that the seats around him had already been snatched up by some new girls who were vying for his attention. He gave me a slight nod as we passed and I returned a polite smile.

The Attic was on the second floor of a converted warehouse and we had to descend a set of stairs to get to the street. Music had started playing inside the building again and it wafted down the stairs after us.

I yawned. “That was fun but I’m pooped all of a sudden.”

“You guys stay here and I’ll go get the car.” Roland set off running to the parking garage at the far end of the street. I sat on the bottom of the staircase while Peter called someone on his cell and started raving about the band.

I took out my own phone to call Nate and let him know we were leaving the club and I’d be home in an hour or so. Nate was pretty cool about me staying out late as long as I let him know where I was. Before I could dial, the stair above me creaked and Eli appeared beside me. I tried to hide my surprise and dismay. I hoped he didn’t think I had been flirting with him upstairs because I wasn’t; at least I didn’t think I was. It was not exactly my area of expertise.

“Have your friends abandoned you?” he asked and I felt a little tremor pass through me at his nearness. Really, what was this guy’s secret?

“No, Peter’s right there...” I trailed off when I realized that Peter had wandered off. I could still hear him talking on his phone so he wasn’t that far away.

“I thought you were leaving,” Eli said, his breath warm against my cheek. Too close for comfort.

I shot to my feet not caring what he thought. Okay enough of that. “We are. My friend went to get the car and we’re waiting for him.” I knew I was babbling but I wanted to put some distance between me and Eli. Something didn’t feel quite right about him and he was starting to make me nervous. I started toward Peter until I felt a hand on my arm. It wasn’t restraining me, but it still set off alarm bells in my head. Nikolas’s earlier words rang in my head. “Stay with your friends. This part of town is not safe for a girl alone at night.”

“You seem to be in such a hurry to leave all of a sudden. Nothing I have done, surely?”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that. I just think I hear my ride coming.” I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry. Where was Roland?

“You are a terrible liar, you know,” Eli said softly. He moved so fast he was standing right in front of me before I knew what was happening. “But you are such an intriguing creature that I will forgive you for it.”

My mind struggled to grasp what my eyes were seeing. How did he…?

The truth hit me like a truck, knocking the air from my lungs and sending spikes of fear into my brain. I opened my mouth to call for help, only to find myself rendered mute by a hard hand. The street blurred and I found myself in the alley, pressed face-first against the building and unable to move or call out.

“Sara,” he hissed against my hair. Terror threatened to choke me as the image of my father’s mutilated body swam before my eyes. Oh God no. Please, not like this.

I screamed into Eli’s hand and struggled wildly to twist out of his hold, but his grip was like steel bars holding me fast. He laughed softly in my ear and pressed his body against my length. “You are a fighter, I like that.” I could hear the excitement in his voice and I felt his body respond to my fear. My heart threatened to explode from my chest.