Page 117

“I don’t believe that and neither do you.” His warm green eyes held mine. “You’ve grown into an amazing warrior since I met you, and I’m proud to fight beside you. But you have a healer’s soul. You could not have killed that vampire, knowing you could save the girl. If I know anything about you by now, it’s that.” He looked at her and let out a slow breath. “She has a rough time ahead of her, but she’s alive and human again thanks to you.”

“Thanks, Chris,” I whispered.

He smiled again. “Now, please don’t cry because I really don’t want Nikolas to come over and kick my ass.”

My lips twitched. “He wouldn’t do that. You’re his best friend.”

“When it comes to you, all bets are off.”

I looked at Nikolas and Geoffrey in the kitchen. Nikolas was talking to the other warrior, but he was watching me. I smiled to let him know I was okay. He said something to Geoffrey, and then the two of them walked over to us.

“How is she?” Nikolas asked me.

“Still asleep.”

“Do you think she’ll be able to talk to us when she wakes up?” Geoffrey asked.

I looked at the sleeping girl. “I have no idea.”

He rubbed his chin. “We’ll have to question her. There’s no telling what information she can give us about the attack tonight.”

“I can tell you that your warriors were followed here from a casino two days ago. The vampires had no idea the rest of us would be here when they attacked this place.”

Geoffrey inhaled sharply. “She told you that?”

I hesitated. If I told him I’d spoken to the vamhir demon, he was not going to believe me. I could tell by his wary expression that he was still struggling with whatever Nikolas had shared with him. I was too tired to try to explain something I was still trying to understand.

“Yes. That’s all she said.”

“Son of a bitch.” He looked around for his team and called to the brunette who’d spoken to me earlier. “Evan, weren’t you guys at the Mirage two days ago?”

“No, that was Tyler’s team. Why?”

Geoffrey swore then apologized to me. “I need to contact Tyler. His team is out on a job right now. Excuse me.”

“I think we should move her somewhere quieter,” I said to Nikolas and Chris. “She’ll be scared if she wakes up and sees all these strange people.”

Nikolas nodded and I could tell he’d already realized we were not flying out of Las Vegas tonight. “We’ll take her to the new safe house. You need to rest, too.”

“We all do.” It had been a long day and night for all of us. I’d rest when I knew the girl was taken care of.

Hours later, I sat in a chair in one of the bedrooms in the new safe house and watched the sleeping girl. She hadn’t awakened once during the drive to Henderson or when Chris had carried her into the house earlier. Every now and then she made a frightened sound, and I wondered what horrors she was dreaming about.

Jordan walked into the room. “I’ll sit with her for a while. You need to lie down before you fall over.”

“I’m okay.” I stifled a yawn.

She pulled me out of my chair and pushed me to the door. “Sorry, but those are Nikolas’s orders. You can take the room next door so you’ll be close, and I’ll let you know if she wakes up.”

I was too tired to argue. I gave her a grateful smile and went into the dark room, not even bothering to turn on the light or pull back the comforter on the bed. During the night, Nikolas came to check on me, and I sleepily tugged him down to lie beside me. It was the only time I woke up until the next morning.

A girl’s scream jerked me from my sleep, and I almost fell out of bed. I burst into the room next door and found the girl cowering in the corner with her long dark hair hanging wildly around her face.

Near the door, Jordan stood holding a plate of food and a glass of orange juice. “I just went to grab some breakfast. I didn’t think she would wake up yet.”

“That’s okay. I’ve got it.”

Nikolas arrived with Chris on his heels. “Sara?”

I put my finger to my lips and backed them out of the room. “She’s awake, and she’s terrified. I’m going to try to talk to her.”

I approached the girl slowly with my hands at my sides. “Don’t be afraid. Do you remember me? I’m Sara, and I talked to you last night. You remember my voice, don’t you? I promised you I’d stay with you. I’m still here and I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

I spoke to her like that for at least thirty minutes before she lifted her head and looked at me for the first time. Through the veil of her dark hair I could see her pale cheeks, frightened brown eyes, and trembling lips. Her gaze flicked past me to Nikolas, Chris, and Jordan standing in the hallway.

“They won’t hurt you. They’re here to help keep you safe.” I sat on the bed, facing her, and tried to look as unthreatening as possible. “I’m Sara. Do you remember me?”

She stared at me for a long moment before she nodded.

I gave her a warm smile. “Good. Do you want to tell me your name?”


I swallowed painfully. “It’s nice to meet you, Emma. I bet you must be pretty confused and scared right now, huh?”

“I-I saw you.”

“Saw me where?” I asked gently.