Page 140

Roland came out of the living room. “We’re going to show Jordan around and give you guys some time to talk.” He leaned toward me. “I think she could use some air.”

Jordan smacked the back of his head as she walked by. “I heard that, Wolf Boy. Come on. But no peeing on fire hydrants.”

Roland and Peter scowled and the others laughed as they filed out, leaving Remy and me alone in the hallway.

We sat at the kitchen table, and for a long moment we just stared at each other as if neither of us could believe we were here together.

“I thought the elders would never allow you to see me again. What changed their minds?”

“Eldeorin come to visit. He make elders change minds.”

I gawked at him. “Eldeorin? He never told me he knew you.”

“Trolls and faeries cousins. You know that.”

A long ago memory surfaced of when we first became friends, and he’d told me about his people and how they were related to the Fae. How could I have forgotten that? “Wait. Does this mean I’m your cousin, too?”

He nodded, and I almost jumped out of my chair. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I not know you Fae then. You go through liannan and now I see.”

After all I’d been through I’d thought nothing else could shock me, but Remy had managed to blow my mind. Cousins. It was going to take a while for that one to sink in.

It also explained why the elders had decided to allow us to be friends again. I owed Eldeorin a huge hug when I saw him – just not when Nikolas was around.

Remy’s eyes grew serious. “Eldeorin say you kill many vampires and vampire Master. He say you very strong now.”

“That’s true.” I let out a deep breath. “I have so much to tell you.”

For a long time we talked about what had happened in our lives since the last time we’d seen each other. He asked questions about some of the things I’d seen, and it felt odd to be educating him when he had always been my teacher. It just showed me again how much I had changed.

“Warrior is good mate for you,” he said with approval, and my heart expanded as it did every time someone called Nikolas my mate. “It good to see you happy.”

“I was happy before.”

“You laugh, but you always have pain here.” He placed a hand over his heart. “No more sadness in your eyes.”

It didn’t surprise me that Remy had seen the pain I’d carried inside me for so many years. My troll friend had always been wise beyond his age.

And he was right. I had never stopped grieving for my dad. My grief, my bitterness toward Madeline, and my hatred and fear of those who’d taken my dad from me, had festered inside me for so many years. I no longer carried around those dark emotions. I would always miss my dad, but I’d finally laid my grief to rest.

Meeting Madeline had closed that chapter in my life, and instead of bitterness, I felt pity for the woman who would always regret giving up the man she loved.

I would always hate the evil things in the world, but I no longer feared them. Maybe it was because of my new strength, or because nothing seemed as frightening as my ordeal with the Master. Or maybe it was because of the warrior who’d been beside me through it all, offering his strength when I needed it and giving his love selflessly.

“No more sadness,” I agreed. “And now I have you back, too.”

He smiled. “Will you come often?”

“Yes. I’ll get Eldeorin to bring me here every chance I get.” Something occurred to me. “You can transport like he does, can’t you?”


“Then you can come visit me, too.”

He grinned, as if the thought had never occurred to him. “I like that.”

Eventually, Remy said he had to go. I was sad when he hugged me goodbye, but at least this time I knew we’d see each other again soon.

After he left, I wandered around the apartment, thinking how blessed I was. Most people would not say that with all I’d been through. But I knew those experiences and the suffering had made me who I was, and I had gained so much from them. I had found a home among the Mohiri and the Fae, something no one had believed possible. I had friends and family who loved me unconditionally. And I had Nikolas and the kind of love most people only dreamed of.

I stood in the middle of my old room, wondering what I’d do with the building. Judith had offered to continue taking care of it for me, but it seemed a shame to let it sit empty most of the year.

Looking around the brightly lit loft, it struck me that this would make the perfect studio for someone who loved to paint. Someone like Emma. She and I had become good friends over the last two weeks. I loved having her at Westhorne, but she felt out of place there. She was still recovering from her ordeal, but I knew she would leave when she was strong enough. I’d told her I would help her with whatever she decided to do. She kept saying she wanted a simple, quiet life. What better place to start over than New Hastings?

I was making a mental list of art supplies and furniture when I felt Nikolas returning. The door opened as I ran down the stairs, and their laughter filled the apartment.

“I’m starving,” Roland complained, bringing a smile to my lips because he and Peter were always hungry. “I say we pick up some beer and order Gino’s.”

“Gino’s?” Chris asked, and both boys stared at him.

“Dude, you were here for what, a month?” Roland asked incredulously. “How could you not have had Gino’s pizza?”