Page 24

“Madeline?” Adele’s eyes narrowed. “Why would a faerie youngling be looking for a Mohiri?”

My heart began to thump against my ribs. “You know Madeline?”

“I know her well enough.”

“Do you know where she is?”

“You have to answer my question first. Why are you looking for her?”

“I’m looking for her for her daughter.”

Adele’s eyebrows shot up again. “I did not know Madeline had a daughter.”

Wow, what a shocker. “She does, and it’s very important that her daughter finds her. Only I’m not sure Madeline will want to talk to her. She left when her daughter was only two and hasn’t seen her since.”

Adele tapped a finger against her lips. “That explains why I have never heard of the child. Madeline does not like to talk about her past.”

“You sound like you’ve known her a while. Are you friends?”

The succubus paused before answering. “She saved my life a few years ago, and I guess you could say we are friends now, as much as anyone can be friends with her. She visits once or twice a year when she’s in town.”

“She saved your life?” It was hard to imagine Madeline doing a kindness for anyone.

“A vampire decided he liked my club and wanted it for himself. Madeline was in the right place at the right time.” She smoothed the fabric of her dress over her thighs. “After that I hired new security. No one gets past my men, not even vampires.”

I swallowed, trying to hide my excitement. If Adele was telling the truth, then Madeline would come to see her when she got to Los Angeles – if she wasn’t here already.”

“Orias told me Madeline was on her way to LA. Have you seen her?”

“I haven’t seen her in over a year, and I don’t know when she plans to visit again.”

Something in her tone told me she wasn’t being honest. If they really were friends, I couldn’t fault her for trying to protect Madeline. But I hadn’t come this far only to let Madeline slip through my fingers. “Would you tell me if she does come to see you? I promise I just want to talk to her.”

Adele studied me for a long moment. “I’ll consider your request. I make no promises, though.”

“Thank you.” I made a mental note to call David as soon as we got back to the hotel and ask him to find out everything he could on Adele. I should have done that before I came to see her. I didn’t believe she would really let me know when Madeline arrived, so we were going to have to watch her.

“On that note, I think it is time to get you home, Cousin.” Eldeorin stood and extended his hand to me. “Adele knows how to contact me if she needs to reach you.” He inclined his head toward the succubus. “It’s been a pleasure as always, Adele.”

Adele didn’t bother to rise from her couch to see us out. “It was wonderful to see you and to meet your young cousin. Are you calling it a night then?”

Eldeorin laughed as he gently tugged me to the door. “You should know me better than that. I’ll be back after I see Sara home.”

Roland, Peter, and Jordan were standing right where I’d left them, and their anxious expressions softened when they saw me. Roland reached my side first. “Are you okay?”

“Did you find out anything?” Jordan asked impatiently.

“Yes, I’m fine, and I’ll tell you everything in the car,” I said in a low voice. “I’m so ready to get out of here.” I smiled at Roland. “Unless you want to stay?”

Roland shook his head vigorously. “I’ve seen enough, thanks.”

“Come then, and I’ll see you out.” Eldeorin took my hand and laid it on his arm. It reminded me of Desmund, and I suddenly wished I was back in the library with him instead of in this hot, noisy club that reeked of magic and something dark and wanton that made my stomach churn.

Movement by the main door caught my eye as we made our way around the dance floor. Two tall young men walked through the door and slowly perused the room. They were both dark-haired and good looking, but that wasn’t what drew my attention. There was something about the way they moved that was familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

A third man appeared behind them, and the bottom fell out of my stomach. “Oh shit!” I grabbed Jordan’s arm and pulled her down to sit on a couch.

Roland, Peter, and Eldeorin crowded around us. “What is it?” Peter asked.


Jordan’s eyes lit up. “Vampires?”

“Worse. It’s Chris, and he’s not alone.”

Roland swore softly. “Nikolas and Chris are here? We’re so screwed.”

“I don’t... I don’t think Nikolas is here.” At least I couldn’t sense him nearby, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t arrive any minute.

“They’re spreading out,” Roland said in a frantic tone. “Chris is still by the door, but the other two are definitely looking for someone.”

“Who is Chris?” Concern colored Eldeorin’s tone. “Are you in danger?”

I shook my head. “He’s my Mohiri cousin, and he’s looking for Jordan and me. If he catches us, he’s going to drag us home, and I can’t go yet. I have to find Madeline first.”

“We kind of left home without permission,” Jordan explained. She peered around Peter. “I don’t know the two with him. They look foreign.”