Page 66

“Is that why you were upset when you came to training today?”

I told him about snapping at Aine and then running away. “I feel awful about it. She’s been so good to me and I yelled at her.”

He stopped walking and tugged on my arm until I faced him. “Aine understands what you’re going through. I only wish there was something I could do to help you through this.”

“You are doing something,” I said quietly. “I needed this.”

We turned to continue our walk.

“What else is troubling you?” he asked.



“It’s just that there’s not much to do at Eldeorin’s. I have my training during the day, but it’s kind of boring at night. I’m not used to being idle.” I fell silent, hating how silly my complaint sounded with everything that was going on. “Never mind. It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing if it’s bothering you. I know I’ve been spending a lot of time next door, and I’m sorry for leaving you alone so much.”

“It’s not that. You have an important job to do, and I don’t want to be coddled or entertained. I just need something to do. I need to feel useful.”

We reached a wharf and we wordlessly decided to take a stroll along it. A light wind tossed my hair around my face until I held it to the side with one hand.

“You and Jordan don’t have to stay at the house all the time. You can go next door whenever you want.”


“The work we’re doing concerns you, too. I’m sorry you thought I didn’t want you there.”

His words warmed me despite the wind. “I should have asked instead of assuming it was off limits.”

At the end of the wharf, I walked to the rail and peered down at the foaming waves rushing between the pilings. It was too dark to see much, but I could feel the power of the waves. I’d always been drawn to the ocean, but since my liannan the pull was much stronger. The ocean teemed with so much life and magic it filled me with awe.

“You’re not planning on jumping, are you?”

The teasing question transported me back to the wharf in New Hastings when he’d asked me the same thing. All I’d wanted that day was for him to go away and let my life go back to normal. I’d been so angry and afraid of what he’d stood for, the changes he’d brought with him. Now, I couldn’t imagine him and the others not being in my life.

We stood quietly at the rail for a few minutes before he tapped my arm. “We should be heading back.”

“Okay.” I didn’t want this night to be over yet, but I knew he had work to do.

We made our way back to where he’d parked the motorcycle, and soon we were on the road back to the estate. Neither of us said much on the return trip. I hugged his waist and closed my eyes, wishing we could drive past the estate and keep going until we hit Canada. Just the two of us.

I held back a sigh of disappointment when we pulled up in front of the main entrance. Dismounting, I pulled off my helmet. “I had a great time tonight. Next time I’ll remember to bring gloves.”

His eyes were dark and unfathomable as he smoothed down some of my hair that had been mussed by the helmet. “I don’t mind if you forget them.”

My breath caught. It amazed me how the smallest touch or look from him could affect me so much. “I guess I should go in. Jordan’s probably waiting to grill me about every detail.”

A knowing smile curved his lips, and he put a hand under my chin to tilt my face toward his.

My stomach fluttered in anticipation. Any kiss from Nikolas was enough to turn my legs to jelly, but this would be my first date kiss.

“Good, you’re back at last.”

Eldeorin’s voice startled me so much that I took a step back from Nikolas to stare at the faerie. He hadn’t been around much in the last two weeks, and he never visited at at night. “What are you doing here?” I asked, unable to keep my irritation from my tone. I liked Eldeorin, but his timing really sucked. Didn’t he see we were in the middle of something important here?

He smiled indulgently. “I’ve been thinking about the problems you’ve been having with your magic, and I have an idea that will help you.”

“That’s great, but shouldn’t we talk about it tomorrow when Aine is here?”

“This is not part of Aine’s training.” He took my hand in his, ignoring the dark look Nikolas shot him. “It’s time for you to start your training with me.”

I realized Eldeorin’s intention a second too late. The last thing I saw was Nikolas’s surprised face as the familiar black void settled around me.

Chapter 13

We reappeared in the middle of what looked like a village. Around the small square were several brightly colored shops and some low buildings in need of repairs. Behind the buildings, I could see small mountains rising up in the darkness.

I yanked my hand from Eldeorin’s and turned on him. “What the hell? You can’t just grab people and disappear like that. Take me back.”

He shook his head calmly. “I apologize for interrupting your romantic moment, but this could not wait.”

I folded my arms across my chest and scowled at him. “The least you could have done is let me say goodbye. Nikolas is probably freaking out right now.”

“I am sure he is not.”

“You obviously don’t know him very well.”