Page 78

As upset as I was with him, I couldn’t let him leave without saying anything. My arms went around his waist, and I pressed my cheek to his chest. “Be careful.”

“Always.” He pulled away and pressed a tender kiss to my lips before he opened the door and ushered me inside. I waited until I could no longer sense him before I let the tears come.

* * *

“Have you heard anything yet?” Jordan ran up to me as I walked to the house after my training with Aine. It was noon and Nikolas and Chris had been gone about sixteen hours.

“Just that the first place they checked didn’t pan out. David sent me a new address and I passed it on to Raoul to give to the team.”

Jordan studied my face then fell into step beside me. “You’re still mad at Nikolas, aren’t you?”

“Wouldn’t you be?”

She lifted a shoulder. “Probably. But it’s Nikolas.”

I scowled at her. “If you say I should forgive him just because he’s hot, I may have to rethink our friendship.”

“Wow, you really are pissed.” She opened the door and entered the house ahead of me. “I’m just saying that you should be used to him being this way by now. A bonded male is overbearing enough without him being Nikolas Danshov. Add to that the fact that you ran off, almost died, and spent a week in a faerie coma, and you’ve got one very overprotective warrior on your hands.”

“I thought he was starting to see me as an equal. Maybe if he knew about the things I’ve done he’d change his mind.” I’d been trying for weeks to find the nerve to tell Nikolas the truth about my training with Eldeorin, but I’d chickened out every time I came close. He was even more protective now than he’d been before I’d left Westhorne.

Jordan barked a laugh. “He’d lose it, and in a big way.”

I rubbed my temple. “I don’t know what to do, Jordan. I can’t live this way.”

A gleam entered her eyes. “Well, there is one way to get him to ease up.”

“You know I’m not ready for that.” The idea of Nikolas and me being intimate made my stomach do funny things. It wasn’t that I hadn’t thought about it, because I had – more than once. But it was a huge step to take. “Come on. I’m starving. Let’s see what Heb is making for lunch.”

She shook her head as she always did when I brushed off the topic. “Since you don’t have training this afternoon, we’ll call the wolf boys and get them to play World of Warcraft with us. I totally kicked their asses last time.”

I groaned. “Jordan, you know I don’t like computer games.”

“Perhaps you’d prefer a game of draughts instead?”

I whirled around to stare at the tall and impossibly handsome warrior sauntering out of the living room. His dark wavy hair touched his shoulders and his eyes mirrored the smirk on his lips. A choked sound escaped me, and I launched myself at him. He laughed and enfolded me in his strong embrace.

“Hello, little one. It’s good to see you again.”

“Desmund, what are you doing here?” I stepped back and stared at him in wonder. “I mean, I’m so happy you’re here, but I didn’t think you wanted to leave Westhorne.”

He led me into the living room. “Westhorne has become quite dull of late, and I find I don’t enjoy my solitude as much as I used to. I was planning to take a trip to England until Nikolas called last night to ask if I’d like to visit for a few days.”

“Nikolas called you?”

He chuckled as he sat and patted the couch beside him. “I was as surprised as you are. What have you done to that warrior?”

“She’s mad at him, and he’s trying to soften her up.” Jordan took a seat across from us, and I was surprised to see her grin at Desmund. Up until a few months ago, Desmund had been a reclusive and sometimes dangerous warrior all the trainees had avoided. Even Jordan had been more than a little intimidated by his legend.

“Is that so? And what has he done that requires bribery to gain your forgiveness?”

“He thinks I’m useless.”

Desmund arched an eyebrow, and I flushed.

“I mean as a fighter. No matter what I do or how much I train, he refuses to think I might be able to take care of myself.” I told him about all the progress I’d made with my combat and Fae training, omitting my trips with Eldeorin. “If anyone deserves to be there when Madeline is caught, it’s me.”

“You are right about Madeline, but Nikolas was also right not to take you into what could be a very dangerous situation. It sounds like you have come a long way in your training. However, Nikolas is an experienced warrior, and he knows it takes more than a few months of training to prepare you for what is out there.”

“But I have seen what’s out there. If he only knew what I’ve –” My outburst died on my lips when I realized what I’d almost said.

“What does Nikolas not know?” Desmund’s eyes bored into mine. “Sara?”

“I...” I looked to Jordan for help, and she gave me a “you’re on your own for this one” look. I bit my lip and met Desmund’s unyielding gaze. “If I tell you this, will you promise to keep it between us for now?”

“I won’t make any promises until I know what is going on.”

Great. I took a fortifying breath. “There is this faerie named Eldeorin who took care of me when I was sick, and he has been training me for the last month.”