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“No, it’s not. You’re gorgeous and talented and one of the nicest people I know. But, Sawyer Mills? It’s just so unbelievable.”

“I agree. That’s why I’m trying not to make a big deal out of it. I’m sure it won’t last.”

“Don’t let him fuck around on you, little sister. If he does one thing wrong, cut him loose, alright? Damn, I wish I could come up there and make sure you’re okay.”

“I am okay,” I tell him. “You don’t have to worry. Bass is watching out for me.”

“I should be watching out for you.”

I sigh. I miss him so much and I know he feels the same way. I had planned on going home for a few weeks this summer. But I wonder if I’m allowed to do that. Would I be violating the contract in some way?

I look at the time. “Den, I have to go in a minute. I’m going out with some friends tonight.”

“Speaking of going out, do you have any big plans for your birthday?”

“Not really. I suppose Bass will take me out. What about you?”

“Like there’s anyone left here who wants to hang out with me,” he says sadly. “Why isn’t the baseball star taking you out?”

“I told you it’s just casual.”

“Okay, be safe tonight. Now that your face is out there, people might recognize you.”

I don’t tell him they already do. I know he will be beside himself when my name gets published and I become well known for the simple fact that I’m dating a ball player.

“Oh, and I meant to thank you for the check that came today,” he says. “It’s a lot more than I thought it would be. You must have gotten a good scholarship. I wish you didn’t have to spend it on me.”

“Of course I’m going to give it to you. And I’m working some extra jobs up here, teaching kids and such, so I should be able to send more money soon.”

“Aspen, no. I made my own bed here.”

“I’m not letting you go to prison.”

“It might not come to that.”

“Well, I’m going to make sure it doesn’t. We’re paying off your debts, come hell or high water.”

“I love you, Pen.”

“Love you too. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I finish getting dressed, sad that Denver and I can’t spend our birthday together. For the past few years, he’s come to New York and we’ve had a time of it. And now he has no one.

I grab my purse and then re-check the address where I’m supposed to meet Murphy and Rylee. When I open the door, I’m startled by a guy carrying a bag who looks like he was about to knock.

“Can I help you?” I say, looking up and down the hallway.

“I have a delivery for Aspen Andrews.”

“That’s me. But I didn’t buzz you up.”

He shrugs. “Someone was going out when I was coming in.”

I shake my head in disgust. I hate it when people get in without being buzzed. I wonder if it’s going to become a problem.

He holds out the bag for me.

I look at it skeptically. “Who’s it from?”

“I don’t look at the stuff,” he says. “I just deliver it. But I had to pick it up over at Hawks Stadium.”

I feel the smile creep up my face as I accept the bag and then dig inside my purse for a tip.

“It’s already been taken care of,” he tells me before walking away.

“Thank you!” I shout after him.

I go back inside my apartment, needing to see what’s in the bag before I head out. I pull out a couple of Hawks jerseys with Sawyer’s name and number on the back. I hold them up, wondering why he sent two. But I quickly realize one is too large for me. He sent one for Bass as well.

Underneath those are two Hawks baseball caps, and under those are several assorted ladies shirts. The last thing in the bag is a sleeper set that is shorts and a cami. I didn’t even realize they made things like this. He wants me to wear this stuff when I sleep? That may be going a bit too far.

I put my things in my room, leaving the jersey and a hat for Bass on the kitchen table.

On my way to meet the girls, I belatedly realize there wasn’t a card or even a note inside the bag. I find that strange.

That’s because he’s not your boyfriend, my inner voice reminds me.

I pass a few corner newsstands on my walk only to see my face prominently displayed on them. I hide behind other pedestrians so I won’t be recognized. It’s one thing to have acquaintances at school recognize me from the photos, it’ll be something else entirely to have strangers pick me out of a crowd.

I arrive at the restaurant, giving the fake name Murphy asked me to use.

“I’m meeting Mrs. Brown here,” I tell the hostess.

“Your party has already been seated,” she says. “Please follow me.”

We order our drinks and then I have to ask them what’s been nagging at me all day. “Why did you invite me to dinner?”

They look at each other, both at a loss for words.

“Okay, now you have to spill. Why are you being so nice to me knowing I’m being paid to do this? If I were actually his girlfriend, I’d understand, but … why?”

Rylee looks at Murphy again and Murphy nods. “We like you,” Rylee says. “And I guess we’re hoping that maybe your relationship won’t end when the season does.”

I look from one to the other in disbelief. “Relationship? We don’t have a relationship. We have an arrangement. And from what I’ve read and what Sawyer tells me, he’s not looking for anything. And even if he were, I’m not sure I’d want to be it. You know him, you know his past. He’s probably a walking, talking STD. Let alone he’s arrogant and bossy. And, okay, so he’s a good kisser and he’s not so hard on the eyes, but there’s only so much that can make up for.”

Murphy’s brows practically touch her hairline. “He’s a good kisser, is he?”

I shrug nonchalantly. “I guess. I mean, I didn’t really notice, but I assume he is.”

“Based on the pictures I saw from last weekend, combined with what Piper Lawrence told me, you know exactly how good a kisser he is.”

“You know Piper Lawrence?” I ask.

“We do,” Murphy says. “But don’t change the subject.”

“There is no subject,” I tell them. “I’m not in this for anything other than the money. I know that makes me a terrible person, but that’s how it is.”

“I don’t believe you,” Rylee says. “You can’t fake looks like the ones I saw in those pictures. There’s something there.”

“The man is trying to save his career,” I remind her. “He’d look at Freddy Krueger like that if he thought they’d let him stay on the team.”

“Who says I was talking about him?” she asks, with a smug lift of her brow.

The waitress brings our drinks, thankfully ending our conversation. For the rest of dinner, they tell me about Piper and her sisters and a few other friends, encouraging me to get together with all of them for a girls’ night.

I’m not so sure it’s a good idea, however. I’d feel awful lying to their friends who would think I’m genuinely falling for Sawyer. When this is over and I ‘leave’ him, he will get to keep his friends and I get to go back to being me. We won’t be able to co-exist in the same circles. So, my trying to fit into them now just doesn’t make much sense. Being seen with Murphy and Rylee is one thing, their husbands are Sawyer’s best friends. But I think it’s best to leave it at that. Less baggage to deal with when this is just a memory.

When I excuse myself to hit the bathroom, my phone vibrates with a text.

Sawyer: Did you get it?

Me: Get what? I got a delivery today, but there was no card. Is that what you’re talking about?

Sawyer: What was in the package?

Me: Some Nighthawks stuff.

Sawyer: And you didn’t think it was from me?

Me: Well, I wasn’t sure. Maybe one of your friends wanted to make sure I was dressed appropriately when I come to the game on Saturday. But then again, they probably would have included a note. Most normal people would.

Sawyer: Most normal people would just say thank you.

Me: I would have if there had been a note telling me who sent it.

Sawyer: I sent it.

Me: Oh, well, why didn’t you just say so? Thank you.

I laugh to myself as I send the text. I know I’m infuriating him.

Sawyer: You are one complicated woman.

Me: I’ll take that as a compliment. Now I have to get back to dinner. Goodbye.

Sawyer: Dinner? With who?

I put my phone away, not bothering to answer. He doesn’t own all my time. And as long as I don’t date anyone else, I’m not violating the contract.

I re-join Murphy and Rylee a minute later and they both narrow their eyes, studying me as I sit down.

“Why the big smile?” Rylee asks.

“Oh, I didn’t know I was. Just happy to be here, I guess.”

“I’m calling bullshit,” Murphy says.

I about spit out my drink. “What?”

I’ve not known Murphy very long, but I’ve never heard her cuss.

“You walk out here with a Cheshire cat smile and I’ll bet Caden’s right arm it has something to do with the text I just got.”


She hands me her phone and I read it.

Sawyer: Do you have any idea what Aspen is doing tonight?

I can’t help the smile that all but cracks my face in two.

Chapter Seventeen


I curse as I walk back to the dugout two bases too soon. I’m pissed at myself for falling a few inches short of second base. For being tagged out on the steal. I look up to where I know she’s sitting, but I can’t pick her out. I wonder if she’s having a good time. I wonder if she’s wearing the jersey I gave her. I wonder if she’s disappointed in me.