Three young doctors-their hopes, their dreams, their unexpected desires...
Dr. Paige Taylor: She swore it was euthanasia, but when Paige inherited a million dollars from a patient, the D.A. called it murder.
Dr. Kat Hunter: She vowed never to let another man too close again-until she accepted the challenge of a deadly bet.
Dr. Honey Taft: To make it in medicine, she knew she'd need something more than the brains God gave her.
Racing from the life-and-death decisions of a big major hospital to the tension-packed fireworks of a murder trial, Nothing Lasts Forever lays bare the ambitions and fears of healers and killers, lovers and betrayers.
List Chapter or Page:
- 1. Prologue
- 2. Chapter One
- 3. Chapter Two
- 4. Chapter Three
- 5. Chapter Four
- 6. Chapter Five
- 7. Chapter Six
- 8. Chapter Seven
- 9. Chapter Eight
- 10. Chapter Nine
- 11. Chapter Ten
- 12. Chapter Eleven
- 13. Chapter Twelve
- 14. Chapter Thirteen
- 15. Chapter Fourteen
- 16. Chapter Fifteen
- 17. Chapter Sixteen
- 18. Chapter Seventeen
- 19. Chapter Eighteen
- 20. Chapter Nineteen
- 21. Chapter Twenty
- 22. Chapter Twenty-one
- 23. Chapter Twenty-two
- 24. Chapter Twenty-three
- 25. Chapter Twenty-four
- 26. Chapter Twenty-five
- 27. Chapter Twenty-six
- 28. Chapter Twenty-seven
- 29. Chapter Twenty-eight
- 30. Chapter Twenty-nine
- 31. Chapter Thirty
- 32. Chapter Thirty-one
- 33. Chapter Thirty-two
- 34. Chapter Thirty-three
- 35. Chapter Thirty-four
- 36. Chapter Thirty-five
- 37. Chapter Thirty-six
- 38. Chapter Thirty-seven
- 39. Epilogue